Tuesday 19 February 2013

British sports by Manex Gerra

  1.  Hockey is 200 years old.  Hockey was played in other countries for example, the Aztecs played hockey with fire balls. It´s was very popular in England public schools. Girls play Hockey and boys Cricket and Rugby.
  2. Boys play cricket in summer at school. A cricket match can last 5 days. The people started playing cricket at the 16th century.Although it isn't very popular, only in 10 countries play cricket professional league for example, India.
  3. Rugby was played in England public schools. Rugby is very popular in Britain, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and here in the Basque Country.
  4. It´s Britain national sport. People started playing Football in 1100. The public schools were the responsible of making the game in a organized team sport. The public schools encouraged their pupils to play football and be more competitive.
  5. Netball is the British version of the American Basketball but for girls. The goal rings are on a 3m high post and they haven´t a backboard. 20 million people play Netball in 70 countries.
  6. The first record of High Jump event took place in Scotland in 19th century. The High Jump is an Olympic sport. The men World record is 2m and 45cm high and the women record is 2m and 5 cm.

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